Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Puding Susu Oreo, Manthaap :9

sbenernya resep aslinya tuh puding coklat, tpi pas gw coba gagal cz kurang aer,, (gw tau konyol bgt emang,, ma'lum lah cba2.. :) )
nahh,, pas ada temen ke rumah, gw coba ganti deh tuh puding coklat jadi puding susu, n hasil.a? memuaskan.. (dg pengalaman gagal kmren, gw ckup belajar)

ni resepnya ;
1 bungkus ager2 putih
4 bungkus susu kental manis
75 gr gula pasir
1 buah oreo (rsa apa aja) di bubukin

cara bikinya:
-campur semua bahan, tambah aer tentunya,, sesuai sama yang ada di bungkus agernya,, tapi karna pake susu, gw saranin aernya di lebihin dikit, campur rata.
-bis di campur, taro di api sedang, supaya gk ngegumpal, aduk2 terus sampe mendidih,,
-pas di tuangin ke cetakan sambil di saring, supaya permukaannya halus n gak ada gelembung2nya..
-nah, baru tabur bubuk oreo ke permukaan ager,

hasilnya si oreo jadi ngendap di bawah, tapi masih  nyisa di atas juga, sekilas emang kliatan gk rapih,, tp rasanya bakalan tambah oke klo di tambah vla or hiasan lainya,,
rasanya,, yummy deh,, :D

oke, sekian dulu hari ini,,
tulisan pertama gw adalah resep.
moga aja ntar tulisan yg gw posting tambah oke..

yu, babay..
salam racau :D

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

greson chance-take a look at me now

So long to electric fences
Not much left for me to run from now
Guess I'll turn myself around
I'm putting down my defensess
These wings are gonna take me off the ground
It's freedom sweet as sound
And I'll admit that I was wrong
And it is obvious that I'm
Finally taking my fist down

Would you stop and take a look at me now
Could you stop and take a look at me now
When your standing right in front of me
Your looking at the positive that was negative
Would you stop and take a look at me now

Don't know what you get tomorrow
Not sure where I want to go tonight
Isn't that what lifes about
So long for the fear and worry
Lets go and you wont be sorry
I'll be the one that gets you out
Chase the demons out tonight
You can see how fast they run
When you turn the lights will shine

Would you stop and take a look at me now
Could you stop and take a look at me now
When your standing right in front of me
Your looking at the positive that was negative
Would you stop and take a look at me now

And it gets more beautiful it gets more beautiful
As the sun turns into rain
And the hurt turns into shame
And it gets more wonderfull it gets more wonderfull
Can you get this through your brain
That you can not lose again

Would you stop and take a look at me now
Could you stop and take a look at me now
When your standing right in front of me
Your looking at the positive that was negative
Would you stop and take a look at me now